After playing in a cover band named Sargent Rich and Corporal Punishment, I was asked to play in a blues band. I never thought of my self as a blues player. I soon learned better technique at playing the bass guitar.
We play an occasional live show here and again. Our best achievement to date is this recording we did at Hear No Evil Studios.
I continue to play weekly with my friends. No one has plans of moving any time soon, that I know of…
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Not My Cross To Bear
Villa Nova
Rattle Snake Shake
Blue JuJu is my current band pleasure. I have been with them since August of 2014. I never thought of myself as a blues player, but I’ve discovered it is good for not only keeping my chops tight and learning new standard bass patterns, but it is rudimentary for playing nay other type of music. No matter what type of music I play, I always take away with me new sense of understanding and experience.
The videos with the blue VW Bus were shot at the famous El Prado VW show in Chino, California 2015.