$30.00 per hour. This includes recording and mixing. Mastering is available. Ask for rates.
House equipment is available for use at a negotiated rate per hour.
24 hour minimum cancellation notice or a 25% fee will be charged to the next session (based on time booked). If you are late, your time began at the time scheduled and you will be charged accordingly.
Payment is required at the end of each session – cash, check or Pay Pal. We can discuss payment arrangements.
Hours of operation:
6pm-10pm Monday – Friday
10am-10pm Saturday – Sunday
Over-time is considered any time spent after normal business hours and is payable as time and a half.
Drum recordings are Saturday and Sunday from 10am-5pm. I wish to respect the neighbors.
I give a 30 minute grace period for loading at the beginning of the first session.
You are responsible for any damages to my property due to misuse which occur during your session.
Bring your own head phones, food, and drinks. Clean up after yourself.
Unit-42 owns the WAV files. They can be purchased for an additional fee (to be negotiated).
I reserve the right to end any session for the following reasons:
1. Band drama
2. We’re tired and burnt out
3. Drunkenness
4. Other
Late: Once we have confirmed your time slot, I will be ready and waiting for you. Most likely listening to your last session or preparing for the session at hand. So, if you are not on time, the clock is ticking… From there, its all your time!
It’s OK to be early. In fact, I encourage it. It will give you time to relax before you begin recording.
X _____________________________________ Signature of band representative
X _____________________________________ Signature of Unit-42 representative
This document can also be opened and printed here. Once executed, just provide it to Unit 42.