De La Habra
Si Nancy Remix
Si Nancy

Back in 1997, I purchased a Tascam 414 4 track cassette recorder before I purchased my home knowing I wouldn’t be able to afford such extravagance for a while.They were pretty pricey at that time brand new.
At the time, my friend was in love with a girl and he wrote this song for her. His sister played piano and some one else the guitar. We recorded it all in his living room in one afternoon. He is still married to this woman and they have 2 beautiful children.
When I transferred these stems to my DAW, I didn’t have full control of all instruments as I have previously bounced some tracks. (It is only a 4 track after all). I got 1 piano, 1 vocal, and some guitar at the end. Everything else was on that 4th and last track. So, I doubled up some vocals at the chorus, and the piano at the lead. Finally, copied some guitar so it would appear a few times though out the song. Finally, I added a little EQ and called it done!